Report a Concern

If you are reporting an emergency, please use our after hours only emergency phone number: 780.846.2929

If you have noticed a problem or service disruption in the County of Vermilion River that requires our attention we would like to know your concerns.  Please fill out the following form or contact our office to share your comments.  

Online submissions are not responded to outside regular business hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.  Concerns will be responded to within two business days.  

The County DOES NOT respond to or investigate anonymous submissions.  Please provide your name and contact information so we can respond to and investigate your concern.  

Personal information is collected in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Questions about this collection may be directed to the FOIP Coordinator by phone 780.846.2244 or email

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The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.